SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 6月28日 04時24分

I’ve been here in LA for the past week and my switch has been on the whole time. The creative flow and the synchronicity of events all lined up and I’m feeling amazing! I feel at my best, creative juices are flowing and I feel unstoppable with the team here. Anything is possible when we are all free flowing and allowing. The lesson I am learning and experiencing aside all the musical creativity and visual artistry is that when you allow your own flow and take it in and stay tuned into it plus enjoy it all the while WOW things start happening! 最高な時間を過ごしてます。自由で気持ちいい毎日。PV造りと仲間と過ごす時間が幸せ。芸術的センスが溢れてる。なんでもできるエネルギーでいっぱいです。ここの環境は肌に合ってる。 #lamusic #morningfitness #ロサンゼルススタイル #motivation #motivated #motivationdaily #synchronicity #lovinglife #lovingliferightnow


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



