TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 6月2日 08時35分

A car illuminates a dirt roadway leading into Monument Valley. Tribes worked for years to have the area in the Bears Ears region designated as a national monument, with hopes that it would preserve the artifact-laden landscape and give tribes more control over its management. President Obama fulfilled that desire in late 2016, but when Donald Trump was swept into office in 2017, he initiated an unprecedented review of 27 national monuments and decided to shrink #BearsEars by 85%. Opponents of the monument celebrated, while critics argued that it had essentially been abolished. “It’s been really traumatic for tribal members,” says Ethel Branch, attorney general for the Navajo Nation, “particularly for those who are right there on the ground and who have been fighting to have their voice heard for so long, and always facing a quieting of that.” The tribes’ lawsuit, one of several filed over the move, argues that President Trump did not have the authority to alter the monument. As it begins to work its way through the courts—parties are currently arguing over whether the case should be heard in D.C. or Utah—Bears Ears remains in limbo. Read more on TIME.com. Photograph by @ryshorosky for TIME


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