キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月1日 02時38分

Thankfully, today, I can say that my business dispute with Alo/Cody is over.
I’ve learned a lot and made many mistakes, and I want to be transparent with you about that, even though admitting fault is always challenging and, in some ways, embarrassing. My dispute with Alo/Cody was, at its core, always a business dispute. I always cared about Dana and wanted what was best for her, but I also knew that framing my elephant journal article to “Free Dana” would be the most effective way to rally public support against Alo/Cody, which would also be to my benefit, as a negotiation tactic.
Never once have I felt elation or happiness about all that has happened since. If there’s one thing that’s clear from all this, it’s that there are no winners in any type of war.
Read my full blog post with the link in my bio and below:


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



