ディロン・フランシスのインスタグラム(dillonfrancis) - 5月25日 05時27分

So about year & a half ago this company shot this EXTREMELY awkward video of me walking around LA w a girl... When they sent the final product I told them we couldn’t use it because it was so weird and didn’t make any sense...so I told them the only way id ever allow it to ever see the light of day was if my friend @versace_tamagotchi made a completely new edit. (what we didn’t tell them is that we would would make the storyline about how hard it is to be beautiful and misunderstood and have the worst quote in the history of quotes) here’s the final product we sent them.. year and a half later still haven’t heard back from them LOL...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




