ドリュー・バリモアのインスタグラム(drewbarrymore) - 5月20日 04時52分

#beautyjunkieweek part three Don’t get grossed out, because i know it is, but it turned into this when it came off my face. And I am not kidding you, my red mark on my face was NOTICEABLY lighter. And I did it again the next day, with a much milder impact. But in two day it’s was gone. I had even tried bleaching creams, and noting was getting the red spot off my face until this natural remedy. Aloe Vera live plant meat worked to extract the red. Anyway, I keep an aloe plant in my apt in nyc when I don’t have the luxury of finding it in the earth. It’s Also amazing for cuts, scrapes and especially burns. It’s a must have to have around. In any form. Thank you aloe Vera. You continue to amaze me with your beauty and beauty secrets. @flowerbeauty @Wal-Mart Stores, Inc @ULTA Beauty #thingsthatactuallywork


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