Janna Breslinのインスタグラム(jannabreslin) - 5月17日 04時02分

Who loves The Office?! Dwight’s my fav 😂 but unfortunately Mr. Schrute is (kinda) incorrect here.
He’s correct in the sense that calories can make you gain weight… but calories from ANY food can make you gain weight. You CAN eat cupcakes and still lose weight 🤯 A huge misconception is that healthy foods make you lean and unhealthy foods make you fat. ❌ This is false.
Of course each food item has a different amount of calories (and hormonal/cellular effects on the body) and obviously it’s easier to binge on brownies than broccoli. You can eat whatever you’d like and lose weight ❗️as long as the total amount of daily calories consumed is under your total daily energy expenditure (calories burned)... and if you have a healthy hormone profile.
Of course I am biased as to which foods we should be eating 🥦🥑🍒🥥🍳... I mean, I’m all about moderation 🍸🍕🍩 but I choose to mostly eat to feel bomb 💣 and to live a long vibrant life.
If you’re “watching what you eat”, I recommend counting macros (protein, carbs, fat) ⬅️ instead of just “calories” because you will have a more well rounded undrerstanding of food and also ensure you’re getting the adequate amount of macro nutrients for your individual needs.
Online calculators 💻 can give you an idea of your macros after you plug in some personal information about your lifestyle and activity level. 🏃🏻‍♀️Not the most accurate things BUT it’s a good way to get an idea. We all have different daily energy expenditures and hormone profiles, which is why everyone should not go on the same calorie diet. Was this helpful?? 👇🏻👇🏻 Let me know.
#loseweight #macros #iifym #calories #healthy #weightlifting #strongnotskinny #lifting #barbell #crossfit #crossfitgirls #fitness


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