ピッタ・タウファトフアのインスタグラム(pita_tofua) - 5月15日 11時48分

‪You know her as Abby from NCIS I know her as Pauley. Someone who gave 16 years of laughs and joy to us. The tabloids only know a fraction of the kind true hearted person that is Pauley. Some are unfairly writing incorrect articles about one of the most genuine people I have ever met.
All journalists I have had the pleasure of meeting have been kind and fare to me, please extend the same respect to someone who is a true ambassador of goodness and charity.
The first time I met Pauley she was seated with a homeless lady whom she knew by name giving her food. This is the real Pauley, the one I know as family‬. The whole team from @hollywoodumc including Pauley and Ty have treated me like a long lost brother. I am thankful to have such awesome people in my life.
#seekTruth #spreadCompassion


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