unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月29日 02時00分

Post 3/3: This is the moment my colleague, Shakila, vaccinates a child at a UNICEF-supported health centre. What a brave little boy! While I vaccinate hundreds of children, I always end up developing a bond with the families I work with. Sometimes, mothers bring their neighbors and relatives and get their children vaccinated too. One of the mothers I work with, Najma, sneaked out of her home to get her 10-month-old daughter, Zainab vaccinated. Her family doesn’t agree with vaccinating children because they feel it causes fever and weakens the child. Najma told me “I know my mother-in-law and husband will be very angry at me if Zainab gets fever, but I’ll explain to them that the fever is mild and temporary, while the protection from diseases will be for life.” It’s women like Najma who keep me motivated and give me hope that the attitudes and health practicing behaviors are changing. Witnessing this change is a delight, and a force that keeps me driven.
#InstagramTakeover #WorldImmunizationWeek


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