ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月28日 09時34分

For Charlize Theron, acting means going beyond the script. And she doesn’t shy away from subverting traditional notions of beauty to get into character: wearing mottled makeup and rotting teeth in “Monster”; adding sinewy muscle and shaving her head for “Mad Max: Fury Road”; fighting so hard in hand-to-hand combat while filming “Atomic Blonde” that she bruised ribs and cracked teeth. For @tullymovie, which comes out May 4, @シャーリーズ・セロン packed on nearly 50 pounds — eating In-N-Out Burger for breakfast and cold mac and cheese late at night — to play Marlo, a mother of 3 who reluctantly accepts her wealthy brother’s gift of a night nurse. But it was @シャーリーズ・セロン’s experiences with her adopted children that most helped her hone her performance. “I just remember my body and my brain not really being on the same page,” she said. “That period, especially the first couple of months, is so all-consuming that you have these small moments where you realize how far you have pushed yourself aside just to make sure this little thing stays alive.” @andrewwhitey took this portrait of #CharlizeTheron while on #nytassignment. Visit the link in our profile to read the full interview.


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