Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 4月24日 01時41分

"Anticàmera, in collaboration with Vogue Talents, has collected the stories of selected creative artists. It has then translated these into images: glimpses, geometries and corners of the cities they love, live in or have travelled to, even if just the once. These images, taken through the eye of selected photographers, have been posted on Instagram, interspersed with the memories, anecdotes, and thoughts only a stroll can produce – and preferably a long stroll on one’s own.” ?by Silvia Schirinzi
Today on vogue.it ??
Le Passeggiate #6 Zurich by Mara Miccichè @mathainsta
Michele Foti @inneromodo and Anticàmera @anticamera_location ?
Follow @saramaino_vt to see more on #voguetalents ??#newtalent #alwaysupportalent


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