メトロポリタン美術館のインスタグラム(metmuseum) - 4月14日 00時57分

One hundred forty eight years ago today, on April 13, 1870, the Legislature of the State of New York granted an act of incorporation that formally established The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The new institution was charged with "encouraging and developing the study of the fine arts, and the application of the arts to manufacture and practical life, of advancing general knowledge of kindred subjects, and, to that end, furnishing popular instruction and recreation." The Museum's ability to fulfill this promise is a testament to the support we receive from Members, donors, and friends like you. Support our legacy and celebrate with us by donating to the Museum's Annual Appeal today. For a limited time, an anonymous Met donor will match all Annual Appeal donations up to $500,000. Your gift, no matter what size, will have twice the impact on our extraordinary level of programing, conservation, research, and scholarship. Visit the link in our bio to make a donation. #TheMet #MembersCount #MatchingGiftChallenge


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