ノア・サイラスのインスタグラム(noahcyrus) - 4月13日 03時05分

Thank you to everyone that made last night happen. Thank you to my band for being so kick ass and the best brothers ever. Thank you to my whole team for helping me put this show on and for your support and unconditional love. Thank you to @MO and my sweetheart Tan for performing with me and making the night even more special. Thank you to my friends and family that came out and showed me so much love and support. And last but certainly not least THANK YOU CYRENS. you're the reason we sold out the Troubadour and the reason I get to do what I love. Thank you for waiting hours on the sidewalk, thank you for all the prezzies, and thank you for all the love. The feeling is mutual. I love you guys so much and this is gonna be OUR YEAR! TOGETHER. I love you all. Thank you ?


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