ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 3月25日 07時20分

Training back from the DC @marchforourlives; came across this Audre: “Our children cannot dream unless they live, they cannot live unless they are nourished, and who else will feed them the real food without which their dreams will be no different from ours? ‘If you want us to change the world someday, we at least have to live long enough to grow up!’ shouts the child.” The children are shouting We want to, literally, live long enough to grow up. Please listen. 🌱


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
