ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月22日 11時58分

At precisely 6:05 p.m. on Sunday, David “Hump the Grinder” Humphries welcomed an enormous crowd into a Big Apple edition of Hair Wars at @momaps1. He founded the extreme hairstyling showcase in a Detroit nightclub in 1985 as a way for local stylists to display their wildly imaginative work. As David narrated, models emerged from behind a gold-tinsel curtain. Atop their heads sat a series of towering — and, in some cases, illuminated, St. Patrick’s Day-themed, spinning or musical-instrument-shaped — creations crafted from hair. David paused between each of the 3 segments to speak to the featured hairstylists — the NYC-based @beautysurgeon, as well as Keith Matthews and Johnnie “Wishbone” Miller — about their designs. @dina_litovsky took these photos while on assignment for @tmagazine. Visit the link in our profile to see more.


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