ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月22日 10時28分

Steven Spielberg’s serious period movies do well at the box office, but his recent would-be blockbusters have been disappointments. @readyplayerone will be a major test. The movie is an adaptation of a 2011 Ernest Cline novel, which overflows with references to 1980s pop culture. After a viewing at @sxsw, people were calling the big-budget movie a return to “Jurassic Park” and “E.T.” glory. In @readyplayerone, which comes out next week, the teenage Wade Watts lives in a filthy, severely overcrowded trailer park in Columbus, Ohio. The year is 2045, and most Americans have given up. People now spend all their time wearing virtual reality goggles and haptic gear, which allows them to explore a pretend 3-D world called the Oasis. Spielberg said that making the movie made him want to make more thrill-ride movies. “The muscle memory of making those pictures,” he said, “came back in my experience of directing ‘Ready Player One’ and reminded me about how much fun it was, when I was a younger director.” @ryanpfluger took this photo of #StevenSpeilberg while on assignment for the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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