Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 3月9日 11時30分

A healthier alternative to satisfy the ol’ chip craving! You can use pretty much any seasonings you want but I don’t know what it is about that classic sea salt and vinegar combo - I find it irresistible!
I make kale chips pretty routinely in my kitchen, and the recipe for these couldn’t be easier. All you need is some fresh kale, olive oil, and (yes) sea salt and vinegar! Takes less than 20 mins and keeps for about a week in an airtight container!
Kale, olive oil, sea salt and vinegar
Preheat oven to 400F
Wash and dry Kale (make sure it’s dry!)
Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar
Spread on cookie sheet and add sea salt
Bake until crispy (about 7-10 mins)
Enjoy! ?
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