Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 3月8日 10時41分

Be confident in your life and decisions - not just your body image. Accept new experiences and the fact that mistakes are inevitable. Know that if one should happen, you can handle it. Providing you give it your best, whatever happens will always be alright. By having a positive outlook you put yourself in the very best mental state to master any new situation!
Treat each new ex­per­i­ence with curi­os­ity and a sense of fun. Watch a young child play­ing and you’ll see how they ap­proach each new ex­per­i­ence with won­der, simply be­cause they haven’t learned the concept of fail­ure yet. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to for­get the no­tion of ‘suc­cess and fail­ure’ and re­turn to some of that child­hood in­no­cence; just en­joy­ing the pro­cess of see­ing how far you can get?
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