ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 3月9日 02時17分

Muted this for obvious reasons ??Who would have thought that a slow tempo basic body weight squat could be so painful? Back with #evilsteve tomorrow @upfitnesslive for more of this! We do these at the end of a leg session. They’re horrendous and they make me feel sick, shaky and all around just not right! However they have also proven to help (me anyway) at shaping, sculpting and building my legs in a way I love. Nothing good comes easy and that includes a body that YOU are happy with ✌? @gorka_marquez I hope you know what you’ve got coming when you train with this dude tomorrow! #ifhedieshedies #IvanDragovoice


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