のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 3月2日 00時08分

Miso marinated egg yolk recipe as promised yesterday, before I pass out. Haha.

You need:
❤︎Japanese eggs (I am only confident in using Japanese eggs because of its solid, dense yolk that doesn’t break easily. I didn’t have much success with other eggs)
❤︎Miso (any type)

How to:
1. Mix a small amount of mirin into miso until it forms a soft paste, not too liquidy, and paint it around the wall of a small bowl-like container to create a “nest”. I’m using a saucer here.
2. Separate yolk from egg
3. Carefully place the yolk into the miso nest.
4. Cling wrap and keep refrigerated.
In this photo it has been marinated 3 days. It is still runny in the middle. I prefer it fully jelly-like so 4-5 days of marination is ideal. You can swipe to see the last picture for a 5-day marinated yolk.
PS: make omelette with the leftover egg white!
Hope you like this recipe! Share with me if you try it! ^^??? #cheesiemade


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