Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 2月9日 09時19分

BALANCE! Know your goals and what it takes to get there but also carve time out to spend with your friends and family. You CAN go to parties and out to eat! Your entire healthy lifestyle isn't going to come crashing down because you had a few slices of pizza! If you want to eat the chicken with sweet potato from a restaurant instead of the pizza - that is YOUR decision. On the other hand, if you want the pizza and it fits into your 80/20 then have a piece!
Creating balance with your workouts is just as important. You do NOT need to spend 2 hours in the gym each day and/or workout twice a day. You must realize that there are things outside of the gym that are much more important. Long sessions and "no days off" will only lead to over-training and the high probability of injuring yourself. The "no excuse" attitude is great but know when to take a break!
Learn my Method ?? DM or e? me for info on my programs ?? -


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