エイミー・ウィラートンのインスタグラム(missamywillerton) - 2月8日 05時03分

This is my Granny Jean. She is 88. Yesterday she fell over in her bathroom leaving her unable to move, confused and in a lot of pain. She went to a local hospital with my Mum and was told there would be a 12/13 hour wait for a bed. She was left sat in a freezing corridor of the hospital crying .. with nothing to drink or eat ( bad as a diabetic) and was not given a bed till nearly 24 hours after she fell. Don’t continue to allow this to happen #nhs ... it’s not ok. People that have worked and paid their taxes for their entire lives deserve better treatment than this.. there are simple solutions that implemented could reform the #NHS in to what it is supposed to be - a service to serve the people in need. I hope one day the execs making the moron decisions that cause this to happen grow a brain and a conscience. ? I am disgusted. #injustice


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