サラ・ハリスのインスタグラム(iamsarahharris) - 2月7日 04時36分

⚠️ Alright, lately I’ve been getting the “too fat” “you’ve put on weight” “you ruined yourself getting fat” comments and messages. I quite frankly could not give a single fuck. .
Initially, yes it upset me, after spending so long over coming such a negative relationship with food, or what some of you would call an eating disorder. But you know what, the size of my thighs doesn’t define my happiness, not putting my fingers down my throat, starving myself and binging does. .
You guys need to remember we are real people too, who have real feelings, not to mention it’s 2018 man stop dictating what a woman should look like. I bet half of you saying negative shit on girls pages have more than a few pounds on that hairy gut of yours to lose. Start worrying about your dad bod and stop putting people down. 👊🏼 .

On a happier note, it’s made me SO bloody happy to read and talk to some of you girls, and guys that have been through a similar thing and to see how far you’ve come just with a little guidance and support. I’m so proud of you! ❤️😭😍 .
P.s I really do love this shot, so I’m gon’ post it and eat my burger too.


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