National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 1月30日 07時14分

Photo by @hoffmanbrendan | A foggy, cloudy vista in the village of Cuajimoloyas, some 3200 meters (10,500 feet) up in the Sierra Norte mountain range of Mexico’s Oaxaca state. It was cooler and rainier than usual and while the famed panoramic mountain views were nothing more than a sheet of white, it made for an atmospheric hike nonetheless. Cuajimoloyas is home to about 1000 people, the largest of the Pueblos Mancomunados, a commonwealth of eight local villages that share natural resources and maintain a well-developed ecotourism network with hiking trails, cabins, and guides. Follow @hoffmanbrendan to see some more pics from Oaxaca. #oaxaca #mexico


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