プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 1月16日 02時20分

Introducing today’s #MondayMuse, the incredible @ダイアン・クルーガー. “Her film casts a mirror on our world, depicting the ugly, horrific and alienating effects of radical terrorism, of fear of differences, and of being driven by vengeance. The story in the film is one of resilience. Her raw and chilling performance leaves us in complete and utter awe. I was captivated by her character and by her as an actress, essentially one and the same for the duration of the film. It is an awakening for the audience, for our world, and it is a discovering of Diane-- Diane the phenomenal actor, and Diane the person.” To read the full post, go to our journal at the link in our bio.
#pgworld #pgmuse #femininitywithabite #beautywithsubstance #modernglamour


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




