ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 12月18日 12時16分

I remember when I hated my body.
When I would count the amount of calories I had in a day. It had to be under 700. If I could pinch anything on me, I would think negative thoughts about myself and shut down from the world. I repeated this daily for almost 2 years.
It saddens me when women look in the mirror and bash themselves. When they compare their bodies to others and think we can / should all look the same.
I am so happy now. I like having some meat on my bones and feeling more on the curvy side. Some cushion for the Pushin 😏 Now some women are born thin and ARE healthy. They are beautiful and shouldn't be put down because we assume they are starving themselves. In my case, I was.
I want to lift other women up and tell my story while spreading awareness when it comes to eating disorders.
It doesn't go away but can become manageable. It's one step at a time and choosing to live happy and healthy. This is for my ladies of all shapes and sizes. I love you ❤️


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