ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 10月12日 14時53分

To my most incredible wife. You are on top on my world. You are the cream of the crop, top of the heap, the creme de la creme. Happiest Birthday this day of all days because I am so grateful that somehow someway you came into my life like a worm finds its way into the core of an apple and curls up cozied and content and I continued to stay ripe year after year you living inside me as a sun lives inside its solar system. You warm my every moment and you blanket my self created cold ones. The thought of without you is unthinkable. Your birthday means more to me than you will ever know: Timing, luck, gratitude and more fun than I could ever think of having otherwise. Thank you for making my and the world a better place. xoxox #happybirthdaykb #? #1


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