アレックス・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(alexjohnson89) - 10月3日 01時45分

We've been getting a lot of calls and texts this morning. Here's a mass update: We are safe and back at home. We were on the strip last night. Our group got separated, we saw people running, and heard gunshots. We hid in a hotel for hours, calling and texting our moms, while the entire strip was on lockdown until 3am and we could be reunited with our friends and escorted out the back to our ride. Last night was one of the scariest of my life. These stories are always things you hear about from someplace else. It feels surreal to have it happen in my city, and to have been down there in the middle. My heart is with families of victims and everyone affected. Americans with guns scare me more than anything. I hope this finally yields a much needed change. Thanks for all the love. ❤️ #lasvegas #lasvegasstrip #prayforlasvegas #lasvegasmassacre #MORETHANPRAYERS


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