エンリケ・J・ヘルナンデスのインスタグラム(kikehndez) - 9月23日 05時46分

Hey everybody, just wanna take a second to thank everybody who has donated and shared the fundraiser (link in bio) that my fiancé @marianavicente and I put together to help everybody that was directly affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. I know that it can be hard for some people to donate money at the time but we're not asking for a lot, even $1 can help make a difference! We got other things that are almost ready to go live to keep raising and help as much as we can! 100% of the island has no power, communications are down, most of the island is flooded. There's people like Mariana that still haven't been able to hear from their families. All we're asking is for some help, wether by helping us reach our goal little by little or by spreading the word. Again, we're EXTREMELY THANKFUL with everybody! #PuertoRicoSeLevanta #PuertoRicoWillRise ??
The link is YouCaring.com/LosNuestros but you can also reach it easier by clicking on the link in my bio.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




