ジョン・フェルドマンのインスタグラム(johnfeldy) - 9月17日 11時15分

The third album I ever bought was How Could Hell Be Any Worse by @Bad Religion. I was 15 years old. Changed the whole trajectory of my life. Bad Religion are 100% one of my biggest influences EVER (just ask @glennholmesla) Now I am on tour with them and they are my friends. Life sometimes just works out by staying the course and staying true to who you are. I am so grateful for this life I have been given and I have worked hard to be here. 24 years later in @goldfingermusic and still going strong. In 1994 I gave @fatmikedude a demo cassette of my band. He said "I like this". Fuck I was so stoked! @nofx are FUCKING LEGENDS and HE LIKED US! (Plus I name checked both NOFX and Bad Religion on our 1st album) Today is one of the best days of my life man. I feel so full circle. Great music, great people, great times. I LOVE MY LIFE @greggraffin


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