ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 9月16日 22時52分

You don't need a fancy camera to tell your story. Get your friends, use a camera phone if you have it, and mess around. We need you. We can't change this industry without you. Let's compile a list of free or cheap resources so you can make a film for as little $$$ as possible. I know public libraries sometimes have films you can check out, Apple products come with imovie(that's how I learned how to edit), tons of websites have royalty free music you can download to score, or have a friend record something live! Dustin and I used household objects to create our score for Weighting(you can watch on Vimeo). Post below other ways you can make a film. Do you know any facilities that let you check out cameras and computers?

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