タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月10日 13時26分

When my #2017 favorite people connect - It's been a full week of life changing prophesies and bold blessings that's been revealed - normally I do, yes normally I tell you guys everything but I can't this time cause it would take away from what God is doing in my life right now......... Look at this slide show and the real ones will figure it all out - Just know that whenever I get @ジョゼフ・シモンズ and @ヴィン・ディーゼル get together wisdom has taught me to fall back and don't speak much cause they're older and from NYC and back when Vin thought his career was going to be about him being a street dancer on cardboard boxes breakdancing- then he became a bouncer at a famous club..... Then God stepped in and said no...... Your name is Vin Diesel you're a movie star, here's your queen, Cherish your family and if you keep these tools close you will be blessed for the rest of your life................ Oh yeah... then there was the part when PAUL walker went out of his way to make sure that he connected me and Vin...... Stay with me ok? Then I went out of my way to make sure that Vin met and connected with Rev Run and now our genius power circle is here and it's real and can't quite be touched....... More to come soon........ Father God you are amazing cause you #ALWAYS have SO much more in mind for us than what we have for ourselves.....


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