タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月8日 09時19分

Look at @alfa_ow in the background lol!! The next Fast was just announced and I'm out trying to find the fastest and best cars - I'm now in Sharjah I flew very far just to see if this should be the car that Vin Diesel is gonna drive........ We got the best phone call from her highness Sheikha @bodouralqasimi and were summoned to the palace the next day to meet the family!!! Thank you to my brother Oweis aka @alfa_ow for sure sharing this life changing news about Sharjah with me. I was so humbled and grateful for the personal invite to our home and then I got down to @saqshj 's garage dude you're the REAL DEAL!!! WHOA!!! I love SHARJAH!!!!!! I can't wait to bring my wife there!!!!! I looked back at the footage and I didn't know I hit that million dollar Porsche Spyder with the door oops! #FastSharjah #2MillionDollarGarage @saqshj is the man.......... Very impressed with your adrenaline collection!!


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