シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 8月30日 07時57分

This past month I got to discover a few new sectors bolted around Beaune in Burgundy, France. La Roche Percée was my favorite one, with a very good variety of routes, holds and movements. Here is a selection of the cruxes of the 2 two hardest routes I sent there •
1st ? : "La cerise sur le gâteau" is a 8b+, with cool features and powerful moves. I'm pretty sure my beta at the beginning is not the usual one ?

2nd ? : "Bonne pioche" used to be a project, because never really tried. It took me two sessions to figure out every move, but I'm glad my betas made me solve it. I propose 8b+

? : Finger pain, tape (and a bit of blood^^) is what it took me to sent these crimpy routes, but I'm sure it will go away after a few rest days ?

@ @petzl_official @eb_climbing @volxholds @luxov_connect @yy_vertical_official


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