National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 8月29日 04時52分

I'm Ami Vitale (@amivitale) and this is the incredible story of how China is saving the giant panda from the brink of extinction. This journey turned out to be one of the most unimaginable explorations I've ever had. In a region where bad environmental news is common, the giant panda might prove to be the exception and is a testament to the perseverance and efforts of Chinese scientists and conservationists. By breeding and releasing pandas, augmenting existing populations and protecting habitat, they are on their way to successfully saving their most famous ambassador and in the process put the wild back into an icon. You can read about this work in @ナショナルジオグラフィック:⠀
Follow @amivitale for more stories from around the world.

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 #panda #pandas #babypanda #ipanda #giantpanda #pandacub #endangered #sichuan #china #conservation #savetheplanet #naturegisspeaking


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