ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月17日 04時15分

Photo by @Gerd Ludwig. In the living room of their small apartment in Zelenograd in the outskirts of Moscow, a dedicated young cosplay couple - he a banker and she an interior designer - act out a cosplay performance. Cosplay, a shortening of the words costume and play, is a performance art during which participants wear costumes, masks, and accessories to depict specific characters. Cosplayers are a subculture who convene at festivals or perform on or off stages. The characters stem from comic books and anime, live-action films, or video games. Cosplaying initially became a pop-culture phenomenon in Japan but has since spread worldwide. The photograph appeared last year in @ナショナルジオグラフィック in a story on the Putin Generation, which examines the attitudes and outlooks of young people in Russia.

You can see the couple in a different set of masks at @Gerd Ludwig.

@natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Russia #Moscow #cosplay #youth #costume #apartment #portrait #PutinGeneration


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