ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月16日 05時01分

Photo and caption by @petekmuller. As I wander the valleys of southern Norway, I consider the residual influence of Scandinavian culture in my own life. Seeking upward mobility, my paternal grandfather emigrated from Sweden in the 1920’s. As a matter of priority, he joined with other relatives to purchase a small cabin in the foothills of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. The cabin became a refuge for the family over several generations. As a boy, my father spent portions of his summers at the camp, where his father imparted a love for hiking and exploration of the outdoors. My father, in turn, shared that world with my sister and me. On my first visit to Scandinavia, I now realize how characteristic my grandfather’s relationship to the outdoors was and how much of his influence persists in me. Norway is defined by cabin culture and a voracious engagement with nature. A pleasant and unexpected discovery of connection. #Norway #Scandinavia #adventure #outdoors #mountains #hiking #nature #Sunndalsora #innerdalen


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