アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーのインスタグラム(schwarzenegger) - 8月14日 11時18分

I have been horrified by the images of Nazis and white supremacists marching in Charlottesville and I was heartbroken that a domestic terrorist took an innocent life. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of Heather Heyer, Lt. Cullen, and Trooper-Pilot Bates.
While these so-called "white nationalists" are lucky to live in a country that defends their right to voice their awful, incorrect, hateful opinions, the rest of us must use our voices and resources to condemn hate and teach tolerance at every opportunity.
My message to them is simple: you will not win. Our voices are louder and stronger. There is no white America - there is only the United States of America. You were not born with these hateful views - you can change, grow, and evolve, and I suggest you start immediately.

Today, I'm sending $100,000 to an anti-hate organization I've worked with for decades - the @simonwiesenthalcenter, named after the great Nazi hunter who I was lucky to call a friend. I have spoken to its founder, Rabbi Marvin Hier, and I know that my contribution can help advance the Center's mission of expanding tolerance through education and fighting hate all over America - in the streets and online. My dream is that all of you will join me in helping your favorite anti-hate organizations in any way you can.
United, we are greater than the hatred we saw this weekend. #charlottesville


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