アレックス・メゴスのインスタグラム(alexandermegos) - 8月11日 06時50分

Can anyone guess what the picture shows? It shows pre-sweetened bacon.
I've been to Waterfall Boven, one of the most amazing places I've ever been just last week. And on the one hand it was incredible to see the beauty of the landscape, the rock, the people. But on the other hand it was shocking to see how people on our planet live. Right outside town next to the road the trash was dumped and just left to rotten. I wonder how long it takes till a million plastic bottles turn into earth.
Makes you realise of how good and organised our lifes are. Don't take it for granted. There are only very few people on our planet to have the privilege to live like we do.
The pigs definitely were psyched though.

@redbullgermany @patagonia_climb @dmm_wales @tenayaclimbing @sterlingrope @entreprisesclimbing @cafekraft_nuernberg @vertical.life.climbing @frictionlabs
Pic @ken_etzel


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