ヘンリベンデルのインスタグラム(henribendel) - 8月7日 07時50分

? Closet confessions from our #Miami #bendelgirl Daniela from @nanysklozet ?

Q: Fave accessory?
A: I have eight ear piercings and I love mixing and matching tiny and fun earrings.
Q: Current man crush?
A: @ジャスティン・ティンバーレイク, he's my boyfriend but he just doesn't know it yet.
Q: What is always in your handbag?
A: Gum and my phone. I can forget my wallet but never those two things. I also try to carry a lip balm and red lipstick.
Q: Playlist right now?
A: I just downloaded Spotify! Yep, haha. I'm a 90s kid and absolutely love 90s pop and alternative 2000s rock.

Q: Go-to outfit?
A: Rocker tee, denim cut-offs or leather shorts, ankle booties, and my red bandana.


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