ヘンリベンデルのインスタグラム(henribendel) - 8月4日 21時09分

💋 Closet confessions from our #Chicago #bendelgirl Blake from @blakevond 💋

Q: What is always in your handbag?
A: Lip moisturizer. Whether it's lip gloss or vaseline, I never leave home without it.
Q: Fave celeb for style inspo?
A: @リアーナ, she's fearless and always pushing the envelope.
Q: Dream travel destination?
A: The Maldives.
Q: Flats or heels?
A: Hmm... these days? Flats.
Q: Current man crush?
A: I can't choose one! Currently Nico Tortorella of @youngertv and Peter from this season of @bacheloretteabc.


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