ニック・ジョナスのインスタグラム(nickjonas) - 8月3日 14時26分

Kingdom was an unforgettable journey. I was able to grow as a man and as an actor. Playing Nate was an absolute honor. My cast mates are some of the greatest people I know, and truly remarkable actors. The creative team was the kind you only dream about. Watched the series finale episode with all of them tonight and I'm so grateful to close this 4 years chapter of my life the same way it started. Long live @kingdomaudience keep fighting people. Thanks to all our amazing fans. Love you all. More to come @frankgrillo1 @jonathanmtucker @mattlauria @joannagoing @byronbalasco @juliettejackson5 @sidside @キャサリン・C・ヒューズ @padregrande @jarchmma @joedaddystevenson1982 @ナタリー・マルティネス @ahnaoreilly @pwhauser


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