昨日は、「日本と中国の国交正常化45周年 書道展 つなぐ」オープニングセレモニーに、参加させて頂きました。 島村宜伸元文部相様や、安倍晋三総理の母堂で書道家でもあられる安倍洋子様や、渡辺プロダクショングループ代表の渡邊美佐様など、そうそうたる方々がいらっしゃいました。 安倍様と写真を撮って頂きましたが、どんなに記者の方が撮影を迫っても、落ち着きを放たれ、スピーチなどではスタッフの方を気遣う配慮もされながら、全て笑顔で気品があり、完璧に対応されていて、 学ぶべきところが沢山ありました。 そして、今回も素敵なお振袖を着せて頂けて嬉しいです? 着物も帯も水色って珍しいですよね。夏には涼しげで素敵です。そして不思議と私は日本を感じました。富士山を連想させるのですかね? ニュースにもして頂いて、小野小町、日本の美しい文化着物が、中国や世界にもっと広まったら嬉しいです。 ・ 今日も、1000人TV見てくださいね♬ ・ "「Tsunagu」(connect)Calligraphy exhibition Of the 45th anniversary of Japan and the diplomatic normalization of China" I participated in an opening ceremony yesterday. Eminent various people including Mr. Yoshinobu Shimamura Former Bureau of Education, Yoko Abe who is also a calligrapher at Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe's mother and Misa Watanabe who representative Watanabe Productions Group came.
Had take Abe and a photograph, but even if a reporter presses it for photography so much, presence of mind is given off, and is anxious towards the staff by the speeches; while was considered, was completely coped with none of smile, and there was the place that should learn a lot.
And which is glad to be able to put on the long-sleeved kimono which is wonderful this time
When the obi and the kimono are light blue, is rare. I look cool in summer and am wonderful. And I felt Japan strangely. Is it suggest Mount Fuji?
I have everyone make news and am glad if Onono Komachi, a Japanese beautiful culture kimono spread out in China and the world more. ・ #日中友好 #書道 #China #japan #Calligraphy #気品 #安倍洋子 様 #小野小町 #こまち #ミス #ononokomachi #komach #MountFuji #着物 振袖 #kimono #culture #富士山 #MountFuji

nayu.jp_149cmさん(@nayu.jp_149cm)が投稿した動画 -

風谷南友のインスタグラム(nayu.jp_149cm) - 7月27日 19時30分

昨日は、「日本と中国の国交正常化45周年 書道展 つなぐ」オープニングセレモニーに、参加させて頂きました。


"「Tsunagu」(connect)Calligraphy exhibition Of the 45th anniversary of Japan and the diplomatic normalization of China" I participated in an opening ceremony yesterday.
Eminent various people including Mr. Yoshinobu Shimamura Former Bureau of Education, Yoko Abe who is also a calligrapher at Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe's mother and Misa Watanabe who representative Watanabe Productions Group came.
Had take Abe and a photograph, but even if a reporter presses it for photography so much, presence of mind is given off, and is anxious towards the staff by the speeches; while was considered, was completely coped with none of smile, and there was the place that should learn a lot.
And which is glad to be able to put on the long-sleeved kimono which is wonderful this time
When the obi and the kimono are light blue, is rare. I look cool in summer and am wonderful. And I felt Japan strangely. Is it suggest Mount Fuji?
I have everyone make news and am glad if Onono Komachi, a Japanese beautiful culture kimono spread out in China and the world more.

#日中友好 #書道 #China #japan #Calligraphy #気品 #安倍洋子#小野小町 #こまち #ミス #ononokomachi #komach #MountFuji #着物 振袖 #kimono #culture #富士山 #MountFuji


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