ジェニファー・エスポジートのインスタグラム(jesposito) - 7月16日 09時31分

As an Italian American growing up in Brooklyn then SI there were not many I saw on TV/movies that were like me. MR Travolta was a hero to me. I watched every inch and knew every last word. of Greese. His counter part in that movie, the beautiful blond blue eyed Olivia Newton John, I so wished I looked like but I did not. It was MR Travolta who I recognized though. Showed me I could get to where I wanted to be, on that screen with him. Many years later there I was. It was hands down one of the highlights of my career to work with this lovely soul. NEVER give up on your dreams! No matter what you are told or see or don't see. No road? Make one! #keepgoing


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