クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 7月9日 05時55分

See this place. It's called The Neon Canyon .. and well.. it's special. Took me years to finally get here and stare up into the Golden Cathedral. It's a place I earnestly hope everyone gets a chance to see & experience at some point. Not just a select few. Moving through this sandstone temple is akin to a spiritual experience for me. But we are at risk of losing this National Monument & many others. (Hurts to even think about) Places that are more than just American heritage.. they're sacred Native American ground & a piece of our collective history as humans. The most important part is that these monuments were preserved for you. Set aside as places to explore & roam. .

Regardless of your political stance these places are worth speaking up for letting your voice be heard- it takes seconds. Public comment is being opened by the @アメリカ内務省 to let your express your opinion. Follow this link to comment bit.ly/2sZhQpt or the one in my profile. As always do your own research & form an opinion that is yours & yours alone. This is mine.


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