Today I am in Clonakilty, Ireland, the town from which I've researched the earliest records of my surname Bennett. Many Bennetts held land in Clonakilty on behalf of the Earl of Shannon making them Protestant & part of the English occupation of Ireland. John Boyle Bennett & his wife Angel Grainger left with children to Wellington New Zealand where John Boyle Bennett worked for the Commonwealth as Registrar General recording immigration into the new Commonwealth of New Zealand, again an occupation but this time of Maori territories. His son Thomas Jackson Bennett married a Maori woman from Maketu by the name Raiha Rogers. She was from rangatira (leaders) bloodline therefore their marriage was significant in tying cultures through blood & their son, my great grandfather, was educated to then become the first Maori Bishop of New Zealand - Bishop Frederick Augustus Bennett. This research has become a puzzle that could lead to understanding some of the influence of the British Empire & their religion both upon Irish & Maori. I can say that I'm not particularly comfortable with this realisation but it certainly offers up its own insights into how spreading Empire & influence involves accumulating land & people & spreading a religion that modifies the ideology of culture & societies to the persuasion of the victor. I have no aim whatsoever to disrespect, or create a conspiracy theory but due to historic facts unfolding I cannot ignore seeing these links & understand, in its modern context, the struggles of the indigenous people involved both Irish & Maori. As for British, I must understand that it is in my blood as a recent DNA test showed me to be 62% UK 31% Maori 6% Finish & 1% Asian - to be continued.

manubennettさん(@manubennett)が投稿した動画 -

マヌー・ベネットのインスタグラム(manubennett) - 6月27日 21時00分

Today I am in Clonakilty, Ireland, the town from which I've researched the earliest records of my surname Bennett. Many Bennetts held land in Clonakilty on behalf of the Earl of Shannon making them Protestant & part of the English occupation of Ireland. John Boyle Bennett & his wife Angel Grainger left with children to Wellington New Zealand where John Boyle Bennett worked for the Commonwealth as Registrar General recording immigration into the new Commonwealth of New Zealand, again an occupation but this time of Maori territories. His son Thomas Jackson Bennett married a Maori woman from Maketu by the name Raiha Rogers. She was from rangatira (leaders) bloodline therefore their marriage was significant in tying cultures through blood & their son, my great grandfather, was educated to then become the first Maori Bishop of New Zealand - Bishop Frederick Augustus Bennett. This research has become a puzzle that could lead to understanding some of the influence of the British Empire & their religion both upon Irish & Maori. I can say that I'm not particularly comfortable with this realisation but it certainly offers up its own insights into how spreading Empire & influence involves accumulating land & people & spreading a religion that modifies the ideology of culture & societies to the persuasion of the victor. I have no aim whatsoever to disrespect, or create a conspiracy theory but due to historic facts unfolding I cannot ignore seeing these links & understand, in its modern context, the struggles of the indigenous people involved both Irish & Maori. As for British, I must understand that it is in my blood as a recent DNA test showed me to be 62% UK 31% Maori 6% Finish & 1% Asian - to be continued.


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