ジム・パーソンズのインスタグラム(therealjimparsons) - 6月17日 02時00分

Do you recognize this structure? If not, it's the Watergate Complex, site of a break-in that turned into a political scandal which almost all political scandals are named after and compared to now. We've heard a lot of comparisons lately to Nixon and Watergate, as we watch Senate and House hearings asking questions about Russia, our current administration and hinting at charges of obstruction of justice. How apt are these comparisons, really? What are the specifics of the Watergate scandal that apply to what we're seeing now and where are the comparisons incorrect? Today we will be joined by @tim.naftali whom you may remember from my very first episode of Jim Parsons is Too Stupid for Politics. As director of the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Tim worked very hard to show and tell an objective story of the Watergate scandal, making him a perfect person to ask these questions of and I am thrilled to get to talk to him again. 7e/4p @radioandysxm Sirius XM channel 102


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