コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 6月16日 08時14分

We love to encourage our kids. To tell them that they can do anything, be anything. When God is for us who can be against us...All the while, we spend a great deal of time doubting ourselves. Are we doing it all right? Have the mistakes we've made messed our kids up? I just want to encourage you today, you've got this!! No matter what mistakes you've made in the past be confident that God gave you your children for a reason. You are the perfect parent for them! Our children need to see us as confident in the role before us. When children have parents that are confident and capable, it makes them feel secure and in turn makes them more willing to take risks, to not worry what others think, to try and fail and get back up again. If you haven't felt confident in you're parenting, I hope this little reminder will encourage you that you can do it! You've got this! #strongandkindkids #StrongandKind p.s How cute is Little Will in his Buzz LightYear costume ?


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