Homer Le Miaou & Nugget La Nugのインスタグラム(homer_le_chat) - 6月15日 22時27分

So... I've told you that i wouldn't let the parking mom like that and i didn't.? After being mia since a few days, i've spotted her today. I gave her some food and cat milk but she is still extra scared so going near her is not easy. After an unsuccessful attempt to catch her again, i took a break and went to the grocery. My usual one was closed so i went to a one i never went before... I am telling you this because look what was hanging on the counter of that shop?!?!? The parking mom is someone's kitty!? Her name is "Minette" and she apparently ran away on february 3rd.?
Now... I am not sure if i should be happy or not?? I mean, she is outside for nearly five month! Why did i never heard of her owner before? Why did i never seen those flyers before? I find the owner's research a bit light... But she also took time to make some flyers and put them on her neighborhood so... And what is she going to say about the babies? How can i "force" her to spay and identify her cat when she took her back? Enh i wish she will!!! I don't know... What do you think?? (I will offer her to pay for it with some of the gofundme money, i hope that will help!)
I have called the number on the flyer but nobody answered so i am waiting... Will call again at the end of the day if no news!⏳ #TheParkingBabies


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