Remember when i told you that in France, the rescue for stray cats are useless? Well, listen to today's events: Today was dedicated to find "the parking mum". I still didn't find her but someone told me he did saw her yesterday night so i guess this is her base. At least i know where to find her for sure... Knowing that i've called a "rescue" that claims to help feral cats.? First, the person i've talked to wasn't happy because i wasn't a member of her "association" (that's what we call rescues here.) then she asked me how much i was charging the adoption families for each kitten. When i told her that i wasn't asking for money but for serious, true animal lovers, she became very rude and agressive and scream at me that i was not doing right. I was very confused!?! ? I mean, i am not waiting for a reward or anything but taking care of orphan kittens is not easy and i was thinking that i was doing a good thing! Then i told her that the kittens were safe and that i was calling to save the mother since it's supposedly their main goal.? She told me that on a friday it was nearly the week end and that nobody would help me since it's no work day for them. (As if cats in need were resting on the week end!) She also added that it was too hot these days for them to put a trap and wait for her so that if they agreed to help they will wait for a colder day (?) After that she talked again about me doing nonsense by not asking money for the kittens...So i asked her if she was going to ask me some money to save the mother? Her answer: "Obviously"! I told her that it wasn't normal and she said that if i wasn't happy i could go find an other rescue!? I was very confused... And then it clicked: she was angry because she is asking for money for the kittens she puts to adoption and she wasn't happy that i kinda ruin her "business"! So i just told her to go fluff herself and let it go!? See? See how people doesn't care here? I mean that was from a rescue, someone who is supposed to love and care for animals in need! Shame on you Le Chat Libre Azuréen!!!? So i will find an other solution for the mother but for now i don't understand and i am very angry!!!? #TheParkingBabies

homer_le_chatさん(@homer_le_chat)が投稿した動画 -

Homer Le Miaou & Nugget La Nugのインスタグラム(homer_le_chat) - 6月10日 03時33分

Remember when i told you that in France, the rescue for stray cats are useless? Well, listen to today's events:
Today was dedicated to find "the parking mum". I still didn't find her but someone told me he did saw her yesterday night so i guess this is her base. At least i know where to find her for sure... Knowing that i've called a "rescue" that claims to help feral cats.?
First, the person i've talked to wasn't happy because i wasn't a member of her "association" (that's what we call rescues here.) then she asked me how much i was charging the adoption families for each kitten. When i told her that i wasn't asking for money but for serious, true animal lovers, she became very rude and agressive and scream at me that i was not doing right. I was very confused!?! ? I mean, i am not waiting for a reward or anything but taking care of orphan kittens is not easy and i was thinking that i was doing a good thing! Then i told her that the kittens were safe and that i was calling to save the mother since it's supposedly their main goal.? She told me that on a friday it was nearly the week end and that nobody would help me since it's no work day for them. (As if cats in need were resting on the week end!) She also added that it was too hot these days for them to put a trap and wait for her so that if they agreed to help they will wait for a colder day (?) After that she talked again about me doing nonsense by not asking money for the kittens...So i asked her if she was going to ask me some money to save the mother? Her answer: "Obviously"! I told her that it wasn't normal and she said that if i wasn't happy i could go find an other rescue!? I was very confused... And then it clicked: she was angry because she is asking for money for the kittens she puts to adoption and she wasn't happy that i kinda ruin her "business"! So i just told her to go fluff herself and let it go!? See? See how people doesn't care here? I mean that was from a rescue, someone who is supposed to love and care for animals in need! Shame on you Le Chat Libre Azuréen!!!?
So i will find an other solution for the mother but for now i don't understand and i am very angry!!!? #TheParkingBabies


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