キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月8日 07時43分

"I'm gonna go die now" ?
Someone just said that to me a comment in a Live broadcast. It made me so sad. And then I realized that maybe that person just needed a little love. So I asked everyone who was a part of the broadcast to send that person love, to literally hug them through the broadcast. We prayed for her to be filled with hope, joy, happiness and love. I actually felt the vibration shift. And then I realized that maybe we all needed a hug. So we all virtually hugged eachother. Then I was literally buzzing from the vibration of thousands of people all loving eachother. There was someone else on the broadcast who was having a birthday with a sad face, so I sang happy birthday to them. If nothing else it provided comic relief to see me singing under an umbrella off-key. Live is fun when it's all about love. Let's all be lovebugs. Who are you going to hug today? ???
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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